Download DVDpedia 5.6.1 For Mac Free - Wellcome to, a blog where you can get download link for favourite apps and games. Here you can download many popular apps for safe and free.
If you're looking DVDpedia 5.6.1 for Mac, then you have come to the right blog. Before download DVDpedia for free, it will be better if you read the applicaton's uses and benefits.
DVDpedia is a film cataloger for Mac with which you can organize and manage your collection. Try all the brilliant options offered by DVDpedia for free
If you're looking DVDpedia 5.6.1 for Mac, then you have come to the right blog. Before download DVDpedia for free, it will be better if you read the applicaton's uses and benefits.
DVDpedia is a film cataloger for Mac with which you can organize and manage your collection. Try all the brilliant options offered by DVDpedia for free
Real film collectors will be the people that benefit most from having access to an application like DVDpedia. They will be able to organize their personal catalog and easily have access to all the relevant data.
The configuration options will allow you to change the distribution of the videos to your own liking and accessing the data of each film will be very easy. You will also have the possibility to choose two screen modes, one that shows all the data and the Cover view, to see the cover of each of the films.

DVDpedia For Mac Details
Name : DVDpedia
Size : 24.6 MB
Operating System : Mac
Current Version: 5.6.1
Developer : Bruji
The configuration options will allow you to change the distribution of the videos to your own liking and accessing the data of each film will be very easy. You will also have the possibility to choose two screen modes, one that shows all the data and the Cover view, to see the cover of each of the films.
Real film collectors will be the people that benefit most from having access to an application like DVDpedia. They will be able to organize their personal catalog and easily have access to all the relevant data. This film cataloger for Mac will allow you to store information about your favorite films, even including the possibility to search for all the data on the Internet. You will simply have to use the internal search engine that has been added to the software to be able to move through the databases of Amazon, IMDb (Internet Movie Database) and other websites that are specially dedicated to this purpose. Catalog all your movies The configuration options will allow you to change the distribution of the videos to your own liking and accessing the data of each film will be very easy. You will also have the possibility to choose two screen modes, one that shows all the data and the Cover view, to see the cover of each of the films. There are many options available for your collection, like the possibility to synchronize with your iPod, share by means of FTP or export to MobileMe. Furthermore, you will also have access to statistics about your anthology. With DVDpedia it will be possible to organize the entire film collection you have in your living room, manage all your videos in an intelligent way, quickly access all the data and focus on what is really important: enjoying your film collection.
If you're looking for the latest version of DVDpedia for Mac, You have come to the right place. You can download DVDpedia for FREE direct download original file, Scanned with antivirus 100% safe Apps